Rex Ma (Integrated BBA, Year 4, right one on the cover image) has performed outstandingly in the 6th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Entrepreneurship First-Class Award), and received the Entrepreneurship First-class Award with his invention, Dr. Body.
Dr. Body is a posture detection and rehabilitation-tracking system, which provides the public with comprehensive, accurate and fast posture health checks. The posture health analyser collects offline users’ posture data through image processing, algorithm calculation and big data analysis, then reconstructs a three-dimensional model of the user’s body to analyse potential posture problems through comparison with clinical parameters. With Dr. Body APP, the posture health management platform, users’ data is recorded online to provide personalised follow-up services, such as providing rehabilitation training guidance, and customised correction equipment to enhance the effectiveness of rectification and rehabilitation. Dr. Body aims to use advanced technology to resolve users’ body posture problems, improve overall medical efficiency, and reduce the burden on healthcare systems, for the sake of public health.
(Rex Ma’s achievement is first covered in the CUHK press release. To read the full news article, please visit: